It’s normal to want to ensure that your lawn remains as beautiful as possible. If you don’t pay attention to the needs of your lawn, then it’s going to look much worse.
Many people choose to treat their lawns using lime. Lime treatments can significantly help to keep your lawn looking healthy and green. Your lawn will grow better if you take the time to give it a lime treatment when it needs it.
Lime helps to balance the pH level of the lawn. It also gives much-needed micronutrients to the soil that will improve thatch decomposition.
You know that treating your lawn with lime has many benefits, but could too much of a good thing be bad? Is it possible to put too much lime on your lawn?
Keep reading to get more information about using lime treatments on your grass. You’ll understand whether it’s possible to go overboard and you’ll learn how to do things safely moving forward.
Too Much Lime Can Be Bad
Yes, too much lime can indeed be a bad thing for your lawn. If you want to keep your lawn looking green and healthy, then you need to use lime carefully.
When you go overboard, it’s possible that you could make your lawn turn yellow. This would obviously be less than ideal, but it’s something that you can keep from happening by using lime responsibly.
Now, it’s important to understand exactly what happens when you use more lime than you’re supposed to. Using too much might make it so that the grass won’t be able to get the vital nutrients that it needs to thrive.
When you use a lime treatment, it’s going to increase the pH level of the soil. Using too much is going to make the soil have very high alkalinity.
This is a problem because it can lead to the lawn experiencing iron deficiency. When this occurs, you’ll start to notice that your green lawn will begin to turn yellow.
There might also be some bleach spots present on the leaf blades. You can potentially turn things around by using an iron supplement for your lawn.
Another problem can pop up when you use more lime than you were supposed to as well. You could wind up having more calcium in the soil than you need to.
When too much calcium is present, it’s going to make it so that the lawn can’t absorb magnesium. Your lawn needs to be able to do this, and it’s just another reason why it’s imperative to use lime responsibly.
Fixing This Problem
Fixing this problem is going to be important if you want to keep your lawn from getting too bad. In the future, you’ll need to be more careful when using lime treatments.
For now, it’s going to be wise to test your lawn to see if the pH level truly is too high. You should be able to get a pH tester for your lawn from a hardware store, but they can also be ordered online.
Once you’ve confirmed that the pH level is too high, you’ll be able to move forward. There are a few different options that you have available to you.
Depending on how you want to approach things, some of the options will seem more or less appealing. You should have a better idea of how to proceed once you’ve read the information, though.
Wait and Then Use Organic Mulch
Waiting it out might seem annoying to some homeowners, but this could be a good way to get things back to normal. If you wait for one or two months, then you should be able to help your lawn improve naturally without having to take drastic steps.
After one or two months have passed, you’re going to want to fertilize the lawn using organic fertilizer. Mulch the organic matter using your lawn mower and this can help to amend the soil.
You should see that things will steadily improve after you do this. Water the lawn and then keep an eye on it to see positive changes.
Hopefully, you’ll be able to see your lawn slowly change back to normal. This is a reliable way to get your lawn to look better again, but it’s not necessarily the fastest method.
Use Horticultural Sulfur to Lower the pH Levels
If you don’t like the idea above, then you might be more interested in using horticultural sulfur. You can use this to lower the pH level of the lawn substantially.
Anyone who wants to correct the problem as fast as possible will probably want to look into this option. It’s the best choice if you’re trying to fix your mistake as soon as you can.
The problem with this is that you could go too far in the other direction. You see, adding too much sulfur might make the soil too acidic, and then you’d be right back to needing to amend the soil.
If you choose to use horticultural sulfur on your lawn, then you should do so carefully. This is something that you should do a bit at a time while testing the pH levels to get things in the correct range.
It’s also not going to give you instant gratification despite being the fastest method. There will still be quite a bit of time that will pass between when you apply the horticultural sulfur and when you see the pH balance change.
Patience will be required because it won’t happen right away. Just keep this in mind and you’ll be able to get your lawn back to normal soon enough.
Top-Dress Your Lawn with Compost
Finally, you could simply top-dress your lawn with compost to try to solve this problem. This is an easy solution to the issue that can get you good results.
What you need to do is use a thin layer of screened and finished compost. It should be approximately one-fourth of an inch thick to do the job.
It’s just a way to feed your lawn and give it what it needs to get better. This option is close to the same idea as the first solution, but some may prefer one way or the other.
The only problem with this is that it won’t work well if you throw the pH balance of your lawn way off. If the pH levels are unusually high, then this might not work unless you add a bit of horticultural sulfur to the mix.
This just means that you have to pay attention to the pH numbers that you’re getting. Test the lawn and see just how far off from normal you are.
If you’re just a bit too high, then top-dressing the lawn with compost makes a lot of sense. It’ll be a good natural way to turn things around that won’t take a ton of effort.
How Much Lime Is Safe to Use?
Knowing how to correct lime problems should help to set your mind at ease. You can turn things around even if you make a mistake while using lime treatments.
That doesn’t mean that you want to make a mistake, though. It would certainly be better to do things right so that you don’t cause your lawn any harm.
To do this, you’re going to need to understand how much lime you can safely use. This means keeping an eye on the pH balance of your lawn.
Whenever you plan on using products such as lime or sulfur, it’s imperative to be able to test the pH balance of the soil. You don’t want to increase the alkalinity or the acidity of the soil too much.
Growing grass that will be beautiful and green will require you to try to keep the pH balance between 6.5 and 7.0. Whenever you have to add more lime, you need to know the current pH balance so that you can use a proper amount.
It’s also necessary to consider the type of soil that you have. Those who have heavy types of soil will need to use more lime to alter the pH levels.
The Right Time to Use Lime on Your Lawn
Using lime on your lawn at the right time will help you to get optimal results. If you use lime at an inopportune time of the year, then it might not go as well as you’d hope.
It’s possible to apply lime to your lawn whenever you want to. You just need to know that certain times of the year will not be as beneficial as others.
The best times to use lime are during the spring and during the autumn. Some people say that applying lime treatments to the lawn in the autumn will be the best option.
This is because the lawn will be able to absorb the lime over the winter. If you accidentally apply a bit too much, then things will be corrected over the course of the winter so that the lawn will be good by spring.
If you’re going to apply lime to your lawn, then you should do so in the early fall. This is because you don’t want to apply lime when the lawn is going to be wet or soggy.
It’s also not good to use lime when the grass is overly dry or wilted. The early autumn days should be a good sweet spot, but you can also get good results in the spring so long as it isn’t very rainy yet.
There Are Different Ways to Apply Lime to Your Lawn
There are also different ways that you can apply lime to your lawn. Not everyone is going to like one method, and you might find one of the ways easier than the others.
Granular lime is one of the easier options for people to learn how to use. You can buy granular lime in pellet form, and it’s really easy to spread it using a simple drop spreader.
Powdered lime is another way to apply lime to your yard. Most people choose to spread powdered lime by hand, but there are some spreaders that can help you out as well.
Liquid lime requires you to use some type of sprayer. In some ways, it’s easier to use the liquid lime since everyone understands the concept of using a sprayer.
However, liquid lime makes it a bit too easy to go overboard. You might have a hard time judging just how much lime you’ve used, and this could lead to a greater likelihood of you making a mistake.
Which of the three options will work best for your lawn will depend on your preference. Take all of the options into account and then just go with the one that you think offers you the best experience.
Water Your Lawn After Using Lime
Watering your lawn after using lime is highly recommended. You just don’t want to use too much water.
The water will help the lime to get to the soil properly. It can make the absorption process a lot smoother.
Take the time to water thoroughly once you’ve finished the lime treatment process. It shouldn’t take too long and it certainly has a positive impact.
Watering too much could be bad because it could cause run-off issues. So long as you know not to go overboard with watering the lawn, you should be able to do a good job.
Final Thoughts
Knowing that too much lime can hurt your lawn should help you to make wise choices. Lime treatments are great for your lawn, but too much of a good thing winds up being bad.
When you use more lime than you’re supposed to, it’s going to increase the alkalinity of the soil too much. This throws the pH balance way off and it might cause your lawn to turn yellow.
You can turn this around by adding horticultural sulfur to the lawn to try to bring things back in line. You have to be careful not to make the soil too acidic when you do this, though.
This is why some people choose to use compost and other natural methods for correcting the pH balance of the lawn. It’s up to you to decide which option you like.
Always be careful when applying lime treatments to your lawn. Understand what the current pH balance is so that you can make good choices.
Using lime treatments responsibly should help your lawn to look lush and green. When you know what you’re doing, it’s a lot simpler to get consistently great results.
Ben has a bachelor’s degree in construction engineering. When not constructing or remodeling X-Ray Rooms, Cardiovascular Labs, and Pharmacies, you can find him at home with wife and two daughters. Outside of family, He loves grilling and barbequing on his Big Green Egg and Blackstone Griddle, as well as working on projects around the house.
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