Though chipmunks are adorable, gardeners know how annoying these pests might get. They can destroy your plants and wreak havoc in your garden. Luckily, you can find special repellents for chipmunks almost everywhere.
So, do chipmunk repellents work?
In short, most chipmunk repellents work if you know how to use them correctly. Understanding the tiny rodents and what they hate can increase the efficiency of the repellent.
In this article, we’ll review different repellent types, how they work, and whether they’re effective. Let’s dive in!
Do Chipmunk Repellents Work?
There are numerous types of chipmunk repellents out there, all of which work to varying degrees. This depends on the way the repellent works and the number of chipmunks you want to repel.
For example, a spray repellent can work in confined places, but for an open garden, you’ll need to constantly spray for the scent to linger. Moreover, if you have a severe chipmunk infestation, using repellents can only get you so far.
Some chipmunk repellents only work temporarily. After some time, the chipmunks might get used to the repellent, so you’ll need to swap it for another.
Simply put, for a repellent to work perfectly, you need to consider your specific situation as well as how the repellent acts. Just because a homemade repellent works in certain homes doesn’t mean it’ll work for you.
Spray Chipmunk Repellents
While you might believe that you need a specific chipmunk spray repellent, any rodent or animal-repellent spray can do the job.
You don’t even need to buy the spray. Instead, you can DIY your own spray chipmunk repellent from simple items you’ll find in your pantry.
Spray repellents are straightforward. They mask any smells that chipmunks gravitate towards, as well as produce irksome scents that chipmunks stay away from.
Do Spray Chipmunk Repellents Work?
There are many animal repellent sprays on the market. Unfortunately, not all of them work for chipmunks because they only hate specific smells.
So, you must carefully look over the ingredient list to ensure the spray contains chipmunk-repellent scents, including:
- Peppermint
- Castor oil
- Cayenne pepper
- Cedarwood oil
- Cinnamon
Advantages of Spray Chipmunk Repellents
Spray repellents are widely available at any home goods store. They’re usually cheap and multipurpose, which means you can use the same spray for mice and chipmunks.
On top of that, spray repellents can be homemade if you have some cayenne pepper or castor oil in your pantry. Peppermint oil also works wonders. All you have to do is dilute it with some water and spray it away.
Furthermore, these sprays are easy to use. There’s no need for special installation or plenty of instructions.
All you need to do is spray the product around your pantry and other places where you frequently spot these pesky rodents.
Disadvantages of Spray Chipmunk Repellents
Spray repellents are easy to use, but you’ll need to frequently spray them everywhere. Otherwise, the chipmunks will simply return.
They also will likely be unhelpful in the case of severe chipmunk infestations. If chipmunks have made a home out of your garden or walls, chances are a couple of sprays of repellent won’t prompt them to move out!
Not to mention, you need to be careful when using spray repellents. Some of them might harm your pets, and others are only designed for outdoor use.
Additionally, some ingredients in chipmunk repellents might ruin your floor, or damage your plants.
Ultrasonic Chipmunk Repellents
Ultrasonic repellents are the latest pest-eliminating devices. Though they’re pricier than other types of repellents, they rely on advanced technology to repel pests, so they’re highly efficient.
The devices work by emitting high-frequency sound waves that frighten animals.
That said, you don’t have to worry about any annoying sounds. The released ultrasonic waves are inaudible to humans but can irritate chipmunks and other tiny vermin.
Do Ultrasonic Chipmunk Repellents Work?
The efficacy of ultrasonic chipmunk repellent is debatable. While many users reported success, studies showed inconsistent results.
Ultrasonic frequencies can definitely irritate insects and pests. Yet, they may not work on larger rodents.
Advantages of Ultrasonic Chipmunk Repellents
Since ultrasonic repellents don’t rely on smell, you can ensure that all chipmunks stay away from these repellents.
The best part is that the ultrasound repellents aren’t rodent-specific. Instead, they’re multipurpose, meaning you can remove pests and rodents with one product.
Moreover, if you have multiple chipmunks scavenging in your home or garden, ultrasonic repellents can deter them in mere minutes.
Disadvantages of Ultrasonic Chipmunk Repellents
The main downside of ultrasonic repellents is that they only work above ground. Accordingly, if you have a chipmunk infestation, or if the chipmunks have made burrows and holes to hide, you won’t be able to get rid of them.
Over time, chipmunks might also get used to the ultrasonic waves, rendering the device useless.
Additionally, ultrasonic repellents may not be a good choice if you don’t want to harm any animals. The ultrasonic frequencies are unlikely to bother you, but your pets will hear them. Unfortunately, their effect on your tiny friends is unpredictable.
That’s not all. The frequencies will also disrupt other household systems, such as mobile phones and alarm systems.
Natural Chipmunk Repellents
If you’re in a pinch, you can still get rid of chipmunks using various natural items. The main purpose of natural repellents is to scare chipmunks away, instead of irritating them.
These methods might be extreme for some animal lovers, who prefer these small rodents to leave peacefully. However, if you don’t want to risk having a permanent rodent in your home, you can use the following:
- Ground coffee
- Human or dog hair
- Animal urine
- Blood meal
- Crushed garlic and peppers
- Rubber toys
Do Natural Chipmunk Repellents Work?
Natural chipmunk repellents are ideal if you don’t have any other options. That’s because they frighten the vermin, no matter where they’re located or how many there are.
Still, this solution can only work in the short term. After a while, the smell of animal hair, urine, blood meal, or garlic will fade.
The chipmunks will also quickly realize that rubber toys are harmless!
Advantages of Natural Chipmunk Repellents
Some natural repellents double as fertilizers. For example, blood meal and ground coffee make the perfect boosters to vitalize your plants.
You don’t need to go out of your way to make these items. In fact, if you have a dog, just let them run free in the garden, doing their business. Then, you can say goodbye to chipmunks!
Disadvantages of Natural Chipmunk Repellents
Using any of the above items can be quite messy, especially indoors. Therefore, natural chipmunk repellents are usually reserved for your garden, shed, and attic.
Furthermore, some natural repellents might harm your precious foliage. After all, there’s a reason you don’t let your dog use your garden as a bathroom.
Other Methods to Get Rid of Chipmunks
Repellents are excellent if you want to guide the chipmunks out of your property. That said, there are other ways that guarantee the removal of rodents.
Prevention is the best medicine. That’s why you must implement some measures to nip the chipmunk problem in the bud.
Here are all the different ways you can get rid of chipmunks, indoors and outdoors:
- Keep food in airtight containers
- Use chipmunk traps
- Install a fence around your garden
- Install motion sensor sprinklers
- Plant pungent herbs
- Get a pet
Final Thoughts
Do chipmunk repellents work?
There are numerous types of chipmunk repellents. Each of them is suitable for a specific situation.
Spray repellents are among the most popular and widely available options. They’re quick and easy, and you can even make your own. The drawback is that they might not work in the case of a severe infestation.
The newest rodent-repelling technology is ultrasonic repellents. They’re almost unnoticeable, producing high-frequency waves that irritate only the chipmunks. Some people have found the devices to disturb their phones, though.
Lastly, you can use almost anything to scare away the tiny pests, from animal odors to large toys.
Ben has a bachelor’s degree in construction engineering. When not constructing or remodeling X-Ray Rooms, Cardiovascular Labs, and Pharmacies, you can find him at home with wife and two daughters. Outside of family, He loves grilling and barbequing on his Big Green Egg and Blackstone Griddle, as well as working on projects around the house.
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