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Attract More Turtles to Your Yard With These Simple, Nature-Inspired Tips

Attract More Turtles to Your Yard With These Simple, Nature-Inspired Tips

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Whether you are trying to increase the biodiversity in your pond or want to attract turtles to your yard, the shelled reptiles are important creatures that make great additions to any backyard.

There are many ways that you can attract turtles to your yard, whether your property has a pond or not.

How to Attract Turtles to Yards with Ponds

If you decide that you want turtles in your pond or in the environment surrounding your pond, you can use a variety of tips to attract the greatest number of turtles.

You likely already have many of these items in your yard or pond, and you will have to simply adjust some of the parts of your yard to attract more turtles.

Add Low-Growing Plants and Insects: First and foremost, turtles like to eat plants, which means that you should add plants to your pond environment if you want to attract more turtles. Once you add plants to your pond ecosystem, other organisms will follow, such as insects, algae, and much more natural life.

Depending on your geographical location and climate, other large organisms, such as crustaceans and worms, might show up due to the new foliage. This is even better for many types of turtles, which will eat just about everything in sight if they are able to.

Be sure to do some research before you start buying or planting new plants, as some plants will grow better in certain areas while other plants are more attractive for turtles. You should also keep in mind that turtles live very low to the ground and are unable to reach leaves and plants that grow high above the ground.

A great spot to add some low-hanging plants or foliage is at the edge of your pond, which is an extra-nice place for turtles to frolic and live around. Oftentimes, if there is no natural growth around your pond, you can add plants nearby and the greens will spread around, although this works better with certain plants.

Create Micro-Environments: Small environments are great for turtles to hang around in during the day, and you can dig small divots or coves in the edge of your pond to build these little areas. Turtles also like small piles, which you can also build by stacking a few loose rocks.

Turtles like to use these rocks for shelter, which is very important for turtles when choosing a place to stay. Proper shelter, along with adequate food and water, makes up the big three necessities that both turtles and humans need for safety and survival.

Even if you have a pond, many types of turtles lay their eggs and hibernate on land, so if you want to attract more turtles, you should have some land around your pond, not just water.

Add Shady Spots: Another feature that turtles like is shade, which you can create in your yard or around your pond easily. Plants and rocks create shade and serve many extra purposes.

The shade is especially important in areas where the temperature gets very high and where the sun shines a lot during the day. To prevent overheating, turtles will cool off in the shade or take a dip in a pond or other body of water in your yard.

Divots or holes in the ground near areas with plants or trees are also perfect for turtles, as a turtle can chill out in shade during the hottest parts of the day. Without this feature, turtles are at risk of dehydration and death, even if they are in a pond.

Turtles do need some sunlight to survive, as a turtle will produce a specific vitamin using the sun to support good health. If a turtle is unable to submerge underwater in a pond or does not have access to a hole or spot protected from the sun, it will likely become sunburned, which is unhealthy.

Avoid Using Gardening Chemicals: Hazardous chemicals and compounds in pesticides and herbicides might deter any turtles looking to move into your pond ecosystem. For those bold turtles that ignore the pesticides, they can get sick or have medical issues as a result of the chemicals, which might seep into the water or plants.

If you need to use insecticides or other chemical products to control weed growth or other ailments to your plants, try to find non-toxic or animal-safe products to prevent scaring off or harming any turtles. Refrain from dumping any waste into your pond as well, such as fishing line or plastics, as this is a huge hazard to turtles and other creatures.

The natural elements will take care of adding extra minerals and nutrients to your pond as long as you do not limit it. A healthy amount of algae and swamp-like material in your pond is excellent for attracting turtles, although too much excess material will cause damaging pond muck.

Pond muck happens when too much material, mostly organic material, leaves, and many other objects, falls to the bottom of a pond. These materials condense and become solid, and often restrict the amount of oxygen in a pond, which is damaging to the well-being of the pond as well as to the animals living in and around the pond.

How to Attract Turtles to Your Pond-Less Yard

Even if you do not have a pond in your yard, you can still fulfill your dreams of bringing turtles to your yard. Although the process is a little different from the one for yards that have a pond, it is just as effective if you take the proper steps.

Drop Fruit in Your Garden: As with most living things, food is a very important part of life for turtles. If you want to directly increase the food supply of your pondless yard, you should consider dropping fruits or other natural turtle food around your yard.

Keep in mind that dropping this fruit around often attracts other animals such as deer or bears, depending on your site. Whether you want to run the risk of bringing other animals into your yard is up to you, and you should consider the implications of such a decision based on the threat that other animals pose to you and any plants you have.

Apples, pears, and bananas with the peels on, as well as other fruits, are a treat for turtles, although you should use them sparingly to feed turtles. While tasty, fruits are not as nutritious for turtles as vegetables, which you can also feed your resident turtles.

The best vegetables for most turtles are leafy greens and carrots, although turtles are usually not picky eaters, so you can try other veggies too. If you decide on feeding the turtles you find in your yard, be sure to avoid setting out dairy products or raw meat, as these will often make a turtle sick.

Add Leaf Litter to Your Yard: Turtles like to stay camouflaged in their living places, and adding leaf litter to your yard can make turtles much more comfortable living in your yard. Turtles will also forage for prey in leaf litter, as well as spend lots of time making tunnels and eating in the accumulated leaves.

You can add lots of leaf litter to your turtle habitat by collecting your loose leaves instead of raking them up and getting rid of them. Only use leaf litter if it is natural, as turtles will easily recognize fake dyes or unnatural colors in synthetic leaf products.

Fake leaf products and inauthentic leaf litter can actually scare away some turtles, as a standard turtle will see its leaf litter habitat as a safe haven. If that safe haven is unfamiliar or has unnatural colors, a turtle might move to a different location, leaving your yard turtle-less.

Provide a Large Clearing: Most types of turtles like to have a large area of flat ground to walk around on as well as to bask in the sun. Turtles also tend to mate and lay eggs in sunny, clear openings, which are easy to create if you are willing to move a few sticks or logs.

If you have space in your yard, contrasting lush vegetation with a large clearing is a great way to attract more turtles to your area.

Final Thoughts

You can attract your turtles to your yard in a number of ways, whether you own a pond or not. If you plant low-growing plants in your yard, you will attract more wildlife and insects, which will in turn make your yard more desirable for turtles.

Adding shady spots and making small coves and divots in your pond, if you have one, will also add to the likelihood that a turtle will start living in your yard. If you keep plants in your yard, be careful not to use harmful pesticides, which can deter turtles and even harm them.

For yards that do not have ponds, you should do the same things as yards with ponds when applicable to attract turtles. There are also other steps you can take, such as leaving fruit and leaf litter in your yard and clearing out space for turtles to sunbathe and walk around in.

Turtles are brilliant little creatures that are great to have around the yard for a number of reasons. Whether you want turtles in your pond or in your grass, there are steps that you can take to invite them.


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