Having a sandbox at home is a fun addition to any backyard or play area for your children. It allows for endless hours of entertainment and is a great way for your little ones to spend time outdoors.
In addition to fiddling the sandbox with proper sand and plenty of toys, there is another important aspect to remember when the time comes: knowing how to dispose of old sand.
When to Do it
Generally, you are not going to worry about the cleanliness of the sand for a little while. Because it is made of non-toxic materials, the sand should stay relatively clean even after many play sessions.
Whether you simply want to refresh the sandbox or you do notice mold or any other buildup occurring, there are many reasons why you would have the need to dispose of sand.
Before you let your children play, take a look at the quality of the sand. If anything is wrong, you should be able to see this with the naked eye.
There are some cases where the weather can play a role in your sand quality. If the sand gets wet and moisture gets trapped under the lid, this is when mold is likely to grow on the surface.
The good news is that this sand is not considered a threat to the environment. Because there are no harsh chemicals or acids in the sand, it is not toxic if it does get in your yard.
However, you still need to be aware of it because there are ways to properly dispose of it when the time comes.
Options Available
There are two main ways to dispose of your sand: through a curbside collection service or in a landfill. You need to consider the pros and cons of each method before choosing the best one.
- Curbside Pickup: This is the most convenient option because the trash service will come to you. All you need to do is bag it up and set it on the curb. You cannot assume that putting the bag out there is enough, though. Make sure to call your collection service ahead of time to ask when you can put it out and if they will actually come to pick it up.
- Landfill: This option is useful when you want to work on your own schedule. Any time that you need to dispose of the sand, you can bag it up and take it to your local landfill. Of course, the downside is the transportation process. You are responsible for bagging, loading, and dumping the sand properly.
Again, you should not have to do this very frequently unless the sand is ruined. It is useful to learn about how to dispose of it in advance so you know what your options are. This will make the process as easy as possible.
What to Avoid
Some people think that dumping the sand in their yard is a good option because the sand is not toxic. While it might not seem harmful initially, it can still cause problems if it gets wet frequently.
The sand will begin to clump and litter your yard with debris. This becomes especially inconvenient because you cannot bag it up easily once you dump it out into the yard.
For this same reason, you should also avoid dumping it in a place where there is already sand, such as parks or other sandboxes. If your sand is contaminated, you are going to be cross-contaminating these other locations.
It is much more responsible to bag it up and then decide how you would like to dispose of it. This is seen as a much more courteous and environmentally friendly way to get rid of it when you are done.
Ways to Repurpose
If you are looking for alternatives and your sand is still in good condition, you can definitely repurpose it around the house.
Sand makes a great addition to a fire pit. This can be used as the foundation of the pit to keep the fire contained. It is a fun way to use the sand while still benefiting from it.
Another great use for sand is its ability to clump when wet. If you make a spill inside the house, throwing a bit of sand on top of it can make the cleanup process a lot easier.
This can apply to oil spills in the garage and even grease in the kitchen. If you do want to use it inside, consider the cleanliness of the sand before placing it on any cooking or eating surfaces.
Building a zen garden is an attractive way to repurpose the sand outdoors. This is a great option if you currently have a garden that is not thriving in some areas.
You can place a little sand in designated areas and place small stones on top in a pattern. It will help to fill in those empty areas and makes for a great contained use for the leftover sand.
Creating walkways with your sand is great if you have a lot of it that you need to use up. This ensures that people are not walking through areas of your yard that you want to keep protected. It also gives a nice visual with very minimal effort involved.
You can use sand in paint to add texture. If you are a crafty person who likes to paint, throw a little sand in the mixture to create a slight roughness. This is a unique way to get rid of a little bit of sand that you no longer want to use in the sandbox.
No matter what you decide to do, there are plenty of ways for you to either dispose of or repurpose the sand in your sandbox. As long as you avoid dumping it out haphazardly, you can choose what works best for you.
Many people like to repurpose what they can and then either put the sand out for collection or take it to the landfill for proper disposal.
Ben has a bachelor’s degree in construction engineering. When not constructing or remodeling X-Ray Rooms, Cardiovascular Labs, and Pharmacies, you can find him at home with wife and two daughters. Outside of family, He loves grilling and barbequing on his Big Green Egg and Blackstone Griddle, as well as working on projects around the house.
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