If you’ve hunted for deer at some point in your life, then you’ve probably used deer urine to try to attract dominant deer to an area. People use deer urine for various purposes, but it’s rather smelly and you want to get rid of the smell when you’re done.
You might even have accidentally spilled some deer urine on your clothes or some other item. Maybe you got some in the cabin of your truck or some other location where you’d rather not have to smell deer urine.
Is there a good way to get rid of the deer urine smell? Surely you’re not going to be stuck smelling deer urine forever, right?
Thankfully, there are some good ways that you can get rid of that deer urine smell. Keep reading to get all of the important details so that you can breathe easily once more.
1 – Clean the Spot Thoroughly with Soap and Water
The first thing that you should try is to clean the area thoroughly with soap and water. Honestly, cleaning deer urine isn’t all that different from cleaning up any other type of urine.
You just need to be sure to disinfect the area and clean things up to try to get rid of the smell. Standard soap and water should do a pretty good job in most instances, and you can just clean how you normally would clean in your bathroom.
Get a sturdy towel and some type of soap or cleaning solution to clean up the mess. Wipe things down and try to be thorough so that you can be sure that you’re getting everything.
It might even make sense to make a few extra cleaning passes to try to get rid of any lingering odors. In most cases, this is going to be enough to eliminate the smell; however, you could still have issues if the deer urine has soaked into a type of fabric and you didn’t get to it right away.
2 – Baking Soda, Peroxide, and Dish Detergent
Using a mixture of baking soda, peroxide, and dish detergent might help you to get rid of the deer urine scent. If the scent is in some type of carpeting, then you could be having issues completely eliminating it with just normal cleaning methods.
Trying to get a bit deeper by using baking soda, peroxide, and dish detergent could do the trick. The only potential issue is that sometimes peroxide can slightly discolor the fibers of the carpeting.
It isn’t as bad as using something such as bleach, but you could try to test peroxide on a small portion of the carpeting to see how much it will change things. If you’re comfortable with moving forward, then you can just scrub this into the carpeting as a paste.
Grab some type of brush that will help you to scrub the carpeting. An old toothbrush would work perfectly for this.
Take a bit of time to scrub the carpeting and try to clean things up as well as you can. If all goes well, you should be able to wipe everything up with a towel and then clean it with water to finally eliminate the deer urine smell.
3 – Vinegar
Vinegar could also work to help you get rid of the deer urine scent. You could try cleaning whatever spot you need to clean with vinegar to overpower the deer urine scent.
Of course, vinegar is very powerful and its strong smell might bother some people. If you’re not a fan of vinegar, then you might wish to try some of the other options.
Otherwise, this is a great way to get rid of urine smells and it can be used to clean many different surfaces. Just mix some vinegar and water to create a simple spray so that you can clean things up.
4 – Try Using a Wet Vac
If you have a shop-vac that is capable of vacuuming up spills, then you could use lukewarm water on the spot with the deer urine. Just try to vacuum up the spill as best you can, and then you can clean it with conventional methods.
This can be good for getting deer urine scents out of carpeting because it allows you to vacuum up things that might be stuck deeper in the carpeting fibers. It’s well worth a shot if you’re having any issues with lingering deer urine scents.
If you pair this idea with cleaning things up using soap and water, then you should be happy with how things turn out. It’s very likely that you’ll be able to eliminate the deer urine scent so that you can move on with things.
5 – Odor-Neutralizing Spray
Finally, you could try to use an odor-neutralizing spray to see if it does the trick for you. Many people use sprays such as this to get rid of smells in garbage cans or laundry baskets.
There’s no reason why a popular odor-neutralizing spray couldn’t help you to get rid of deer urine smells. Of course, you’re going to want to use this option alongside standard cleaning methods.
These are very easy to use and you can just spray them on things that smell bad. Some people keep a bottle of this handy at all times but just remember that these sprays don’t actually clean or sanitize anything.
Be Careful Moving Forward
You have lots of options to consider when cleaning up deer urine now. You are going to want to try to clean things up quickly so that the urine doesn’t have time to soak into whatever surface it happens to be on.
Urine on carpeting can be especially annoying because sometimes it’ll be hard to completely eliminate the scent. This is why you might need to use cleaning methods beyond just wiping things down with soapy water.
One of the methods above should work to get things back to normal for you. Vinegar works well, but some people will prefer the idea of using baking soda, peroxide, and dish detergent.
You don’t have to try all of the ideas that are listed, but you can try whatever one seems the most convenient to you. Hopefully, you’ll be able to avoid spilling any deer urine in the future, but you’ll at least know what to do if it ever happens again.
Ben has a bachelor’s degree in construction engineering. When not constructing or remodeling X-Ray Rooms, Cardiovascular Labs, and Pharmacies, you can find him at home with wife and two daughters. Outside of family, He loves grilling and barbequing on his Big Green Egg and Blackstone Griddle, as well as working on projects around the house.
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