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How to Get Rid of Frogs in Fish Ponds (6 Effective Methods)

How to Get Rid of Frogs in Fish Ponds (6 Effective Methods)

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Do you have a fish pond in your backyard? If so, you may be dealing with frogs. Frogs can be a nuisance in fish ponds because they sometimes eat smaller fish and other aquatic life.

In this blog post, we will discuss ways to get rid of frogs in fish ponds. We will provide tips on how to make your pond less attractive to frogs, as well as how to remove them if they are already there.

Let’s get started!

Should You Get Rid of Frogs in Your Pond?

Frog in pond on a lillypad

The answer to this isn’t as cut and dry as you might hope. The truth is, frogs play an important role in any ecosystem, and they can actually be beneficial to have around.

Frogs eat insects, including mosquitoes, which can help keep the insect population in check. They also provide food for other animals, such as larger game fish like bass, pike, and snook, snakes, and birds.

With that said, there are also some good reasons to get rid of frogs from your pond. As we mentioned earlier, frogs sometimes eat smaller fish and other aquatic creatures.

Many times, frogs will also eat fish eggs, which can prove problematic if you’re trying to grow the fish population in your pond.

If you have a pond with small koi or goldfish, you may not want frogs eating them. Additionally, some species of frogs can carry diseases that may be harmful to humans, pets, or livestock.

So, the decision of whether or not to remove frogs from your pond is ultimately up to you. If you decide that you would like to get rid of them, there are a few things you can do.

How to Get Rid of Frogs in Fish Ponds


As you know, frogs are an integral part of many ecosystems, but they may pose a threat to your fish pond when there’s less food available for them to eat. If you have decided that you want to get rid of frogs from your pond, there are a few things you can do.

To make your pond less attractive to frogs, start by reducing the amount of vegetation around the edge of the pond. Frogs like to live in areas with plenty of cover, so removing excess vegetation will make your pond less appealing to them.

You should also clear away any debris from around the pond, as this can provide hiding places for frogs. Additionally, you can install a fence around the perimeter of the pond to keep frogs out.

If you already have frogs in your pond, there are a few ways to remove them. One option is to use a net to scoop them out of the water.

Another option is to use a trap, which can be baited with food to attract the frogs. Once the frogs are in the trap, they can be released into another area away from your pond.

1 -Take Away Their Shelter

One way to get rid of frogs in your fish pond is to make the pond less attractive to them. You can do this by removing any sources of food or shelter that they might find appealing.

For example, if there is a lot of vegetation around the pond, trim it back so the frogs don’t have anywhere to hide.

You should also remove any stagnant water from the area, as this will provide breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which are a food source for frogs.

On the other hand, providing an alternative food source for the frogs will help to keep them away from your fish – if you don’t want to completely get rid of them.

By removing vegetation and debris, you take away places for frogs to take shelter, hide out, and lay eggs, which will send them elsewhere in search of more favorable conditions.

2 – Deter Frogs with Other Features

Frogs often love a nice calm pond, but there are certain features that will send them packing sooner rather than later.

3 – Install Fencing

This should be an absolute last resort, as fencing around a backyard pond isn’t aesthetically pleasing. But, if you’ve tried everything else and nothing has worked, fencing can be an effective way to keep frogs out.

The fencing will need to be made from fine mesh, and should surround the perimeter of the pond. It should also be at least two feet high, and two feet underground.

This can be difficult to install, but as a last resort, it should be done right.

4 – Use a Pond Net

Pond with netting

If you don’t want to completely get rid of the frogs but would rather just keep them out of your fish pond, then using a pond net is a good option. Pond nets are designed to cover the surface of the water and prevent anything from getting in or out.

This will keep the frogs out of your pond while still allowing you to enjoy their presence in your yard.

Pond nets come in a variety of sizes and styles, so be sure to choose one that fits your specific pond size and shape.

5 – Install a Waterfall

Pond with waterfall

If there’s one thing frogs love the most, it’s a still pond. Frogs are attracted to still water, as it’s the perfect place to find insects for a nice meal.

Frogs also need still water to lay their eggs, so by installing a waterfall, you’re eliminating two big reasons for them to stick around.

6 – Try Using Home Repellents

Although it’s not always necessary, you can try using a home-remedy frog repellent. Try spreading salt, vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, or coffee grounds along the perimeter of your pond (make sure the coffee grounds are used).

These substances irritate frogs’ skin and may keep them from getting closer to your pond. Just be sure not to get any in the pond water, as it will impact the pH of the water and harm your fish, and can also damage plants.

You can also try using a commercial frog repellent, which can be found at most hardware stores. Be sure to follow the directions on the package, as some repellents may harm your plants or fish if used incorrectly.

Create an Environment Suitable for Both

Getting rid of frogs is sometimes necessary, especially when the frog population starts getting out of control. In these cases, more extreme measures can be taken, from catching and relocating, to preparing yourself for a regular diet of frog legs.

Another solution to the frog problem is to simply provide an ideal environment for both the frogs and your fish to thrive in. There are several ways to accomplish this.

Add Some Vegetation

Pond with vegetation

Adding some vegetation is a great way to attract insects, which will, in turn, attract frogs. This is a great way to provide a food source for the frogs without them having to rely on your fish.

Just be sure not to add too much vegetation, as it can make the pond water murky and difficult to see your fish.

Add More Fish

Pond with Koi

This might seem counterintuitive at first, but introducing more fish into your pond will give the frogs something to eat. Add smaller species of fish for the frogs and they will stay nice and happy.

The more fish available, the healthier your backyard ecosystem will be. So instead of trying to keep frogs from eating your six to seven fish, try introducing more fish.

Feed the Frogs with Other Things

Another great way to keep frogs from relying on your fish as a food source is by feeding them more directly.

Setting out frog food in a dish or dried insects for the frogs to eat will give them the nutrients they need without harming your fish. You can also introduce more insects into your backyard ecosystem.

All in all, creating an environment conducive to a healthy life for both your fish and the frogs is a good way to make sure everyone is happy.

Do Goldfish Eat Frogs?

Pond with goldfish

Goldfish are known to be omnivorous, as they eat both plants and other animals. This includes frogs. Smaller goldfish don’t pose a threat to frogs, but the larger they get, the more attractive a frog may look as a meal.

If you have goldfish in your pond and are having trouble with frogs, it may be best to leave the goldfish there and let it feast (if you want to reduce the number of frogs).

Do Frogs Eat Fish Eggs?

Pond with frog

Yes, frogs are known to do this. From their earliest days of life as tadpoles and through adulthood, frogs are known to feed on fish eggs.

Final Thoughts

Frogs in fish ponds can be a problem, but there are ways to get rid of them. You can use traps, install a waterfall, remove vegetation, and add a fence to keep them out.

On the other hand, you can create an ideal environment for both frogs and fish. Adding more vegetation to your pond, and feeding the frogs with external sources will help to ensure they don’t rely primarily on your fish for food.

You can also add more fish or feed the frogs directly to keep them from eating your fish’s eggs.

Every situation is different, but by following these tips, you’ll be on your way to enjoying a healthy backyard fish pond in no time.


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Richard Exton

Sunday 24th of September 2023

Summer has come and we had frogs again. 2 weeks ago I installed a 140 watt air pump and diffuser, within 2 nights the frogs have moved away.


Tuesday 30th of August 2022

This was very helpful thanks