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How to Stop Frogs Croaking in Your Pond

How to Stop Frogs Croaking in Your Pond

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You likely enjoy having a pond in your yard for various reasons. Some people simply love staring at the pond as they sit outside.

Others enjoy having local wildlife hanging out near the pond. You’ll likely see various birds frequent the pond, and you’ll also notice many frogs.

Frogs can be fun to have around if you like watching them. Some people might get a bit annoyed if the frogs are noisy, though.

Sometimes frogs will make croaking sounds and this might be a bit noisy. If the frogs making noise is something that bothers you, it’ll be prudent to take action.

How can you stop frogs from croaking in your pond? Keep reading to learn how to approach this situation.

Why Do Pond Frogs Make Noise?

When you hear frogs croaking, is that supposed to indicate something? Why do frogs like to make these noises?

Typically, frogs croak when they’re trying to attract mates. So croaking is closely associated with frog mating rituals.

Male frogs will croak in an effort to get the attention of female frogs. The male frog is going to croak whether it sees a female frog or not.

It simply starts doing this during the normal mating period. This croaking sound is supposed to attract female frogs to the area.

The frog mating season occurs during the spring. It’s especially common for frogs to begin croaking when it has just rained in the spring.

Why is this the case? Well, after it rains it’ll create the perfect conditions for female frogs to lay eggs.

So it makes sense for a male to attempt to attract a mate during this time. You might hear the frogs croaking quite a bit after a little rainstorm during the spring.

Why Do Frogs Croak At Night?

Why is it that frogs seem to croak so loud at night? Are they doing this just out of spite to try to keep you awake?

Of course not. Frogs are nocturnal and this means that they’re up during the night.

It makes sense that they would do most of their croaking during the nighttime hours. This can be a little bit annoying when you’re bothered by noises while trying to sleep.

Even so, there are things you can do to make things easier. Later, you’ll learn about ways to cope with the noise.

How Do Frogs Croak?

The croaking noises that frogs make are pretty impressive. They’re quite loud and you might be wondering how frogs are even capable of producing these sounds.

Croaking is a noise that’s made by frogs using the air from their lungs. They don’t let it come through their nostrils as usual.

To produce a croaking sound, the frog will push the air over its vocal cords and windpipe so that it can travel to the air sac. Frogs possess an air sac underneath their chins and this area has elastic skin.

You’ve likely seen frogs inflate their air sacs before. The image of frogs having their throats increase in size before croaking is likely burned into your mind.

The air sac often looks like a bubble when it fills with air. The air sac itself winds up being used to resonate the sound and this makes it come out very loud.

Some frogs can croak louder than others. The exact loudness of a frog’s croak will depend on the species that it belongs to.

Most frog croaks will stay under 10,000 Hz, but there are some frogs that produce croaks that will reach frequencies of 128,000 Hz. Intriguingly, the croaks can be used to help other frogs figure out where the croak is coming from.

They can hear the sounds in such a way that it helps them to detect the location of the croaking frog. So female frogs truly can track down a croaking male for mating purposes.

How to Stop Frogs From Croaking

You can’t really stop frogs from croaking. It’s natural for frogs to croak and it’s something that they’re going to do.

So you can’t keep them from croaking, but you can try to make them go away. Some people choose to try to keep frogs out of their ponds.

You can try to keep frogs at bay using saltwater spray. It’s said that this can work as a bit of a frog deterrent.

Try spraying it near the pond to see if it’ll help. It might reduce the number of frogs in the pond.

You could also dry out the pond. If the pond isn’t desirable for the frogs they won’t stick around.

Removing food sources will be another option. When frogs don’t have food to eat they will move on to another location.

Also, you could try killing insects in the area. Of course, it might not be wise to upset the natural ecosystem if you care about nature.

It might not be practical to try to get rid of the frogs depending on how big your pond is. You might not own the pond either depending on the situation that you’re in.

Coping With the Croaking

While it’s true that croaking can be noisy and annoying, it’s not something that should make you hate frogs. Frogs croak because it’s something they need to do for mating purposes.

You can’t keep frogs from doing this, but you can cope with the noises being made at night. There are a few things you can try that will make a difference.

Soundproofing your bedroom will make it easier to ignore the sounds. If you soundproof the room you won’t be able to hear the noises from outside.

There are various levels of soundproofing that you can look into. Any just dampening the noise from the outside will likely help the situation.

You could also try to cover up the noise using a loud fan. A loud box fan will produce a sort of “white noise” that will allow you to tune out the croaking and get some sleep.

Some people will prefer buying a white noise machine and turning it on during the night. Many people use these machines to get a good night’s rest.

Final Thoughts

If you find croaking frogs to be annoying you can try to get rid of them. You can take steps to alter the pond to try to make it less appealing to the frogs.

Remove food sources and try to dry up the pond. Make it so the pond isn’t a viable habitat for the frogs any longer.

This idea might not be appealing to you if you like your pond and care about nature. So it’s likely more practical to try to ignore the croaking.

The croaking sounds can be covered up with other noises. Try using a noisy fan or a white noise generator at night.

You could soundproof your bedroom as well. Some people go so far as to soundproof their entire homes.


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