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How to Stop Water Runoff From Your Neighbor’s Yard

How to Stop Water Runoff From Your Neighbor’s Yard

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Ever feel like your backyard turns into a mini river after it rains thanks to runoff from your neighbor? Well, you’re not alone in this splashy situation.

Stopping water runoff from your neighbor’s yard can be a challenge, but not an impossible task. In this guide, I’ve compiled a list of clever tips and tricks to keep your lawn dry and sanity intact. 

From simple DIY solutions to neighbor-friendly fixes, I’ll cover the best ways to stop the H2O invasion!

Residential Water Runoff Overview

There are quite a few reasons water from your neighbor’s home may end up in your backyard. 

For instance, if the person next door installs a pool or concrete deck, they eliminate natural surfaces that can absorb water. 

This can cause excess moisture to pool and wash up on your lawn. 

Besides that, any significant landscape changes or neglect to yards can redirect water flow and cause flooding across your property. This is especially true during the rainy seasons. 

Unfortunately, water runoff is a common issue that can wreak havoc on your home. 

Drawbacks of Residential Runoff

When water runoff becomes a recurring visitor to your yard, it brings a host of challenges and consequences. Living downhill from a slope with neighbors nearby can turn rainfall into a double-edged sword. 

For starters, when water flows downhill, it can erode everything in its path. Even in its mildest form, runoff can leave behind a muddy trail of wood chips, grass clippings, and debris, turning your garden into a war zone after every drizzle.

On top of that, the excess water can compact your soil and leave your driveway in disarray. 

Yet, that’s not all. Water runoff carries plenty of pollutants and sediment. So, when it makes its way to public waters, it’ll make them unsafe for consumption. 

There are complications, however, with stopping the runoff. The most notable issue is if the hill is not on your property. 

In that case, you can’t eliminate the runoff at the source. That leaves stopping it when it reaches your yard.

Stopping Water Runoff From Your Neighbors Yard

Instead of repairing damage year in and year out, you can use these steps to stop the damage before it becomes an issue. You can eliminate runoff from your neighbor’s home in several ways. 

Here’s an in-depth look at various techniques that can help you keep water away from your yard.

1. Build a Berm

Garden With Paved Paths, a Berm, and a Sprinkler System

A berm is a small hill covered in grass or some other type of plant. The goal of this tiny mound is to divert water runoff around any objects you want to protect. 

It’s akin to a ditch in that way, only not quite so comprehensive in scope and time consumed.

Berms provide a reasonably quick fix that protects both structures and plants. So, they may be the best option if you’re in a jam.

Preparing to Build the Berm

There are a few basic rules that you want to consider, especially when you’re a newbie to building berms. These guidelines will ensure that the mound is well-constructed and works to adequately remove the runoff from the dangerous areas of the property.

The first step is to plan carefully and take drainage issues into account. You’ll need to think ahead about where you want the diverted water to flow.

Even if you have the best intentions when diverting water from a neighbor, it could end up in areas you didn’t want.

Building the Berm

If this is your first berm, try a small mound first. Start by building a base layer in the shape you want using filler materials. These will bulk the berm and help it stay standing for long periods. 

You can use wood chips for this step, but I recommend mulch. The organic material will reduce erosion and ensure weeds can’t grow on your berm. 

Try to go for a berm that is in a crescent shape instead of one that is circular. That will make for a more effective path for the water runoff.

Plus, make sure to slope the land gradually. By doing this, the berm will look more natural and won’t stand out against the landscape.

Not only that, but gradual sloping is also the best way to prevent soil erosion, which means your berm will last longer and be able to handle higher volumes of water. 

Next, cover your foundation in a layer of clay soil. This will compact your filler base and add stability to the structure. 

After that, finish your mound off with a layer of topsoil. 

Blending Your Berm Into Your Backyard

Once you build the berm, use edge materials such as stones or heavy rocks to line the bottom of the mound. That will help trap the soil in place, so it won’t easily wash away during heavier rains.

On another note, it’s crucial to consider what types of plants you grow on the berm. Grass is the easiest option, but don’t forget that it will have to be mowed regularly, and that little hill can make it difficult to cut the grass.

Using a greater variety of plantings is the better choice to help maintain the berm and blend it into the surrounding landscape. Use plants that thrive in drier conditions at the very top of the berm since this area will dry out far quicker than the bottom.

In contrast, go with plants that do well with a lot of moisture at the bottom of the berm.

2. Use Grade Board Surfaces

Close-up of Excavator

Grading is when you reshape the land around you to even out surfaces and reduce slopes. Think of it as landscaping but on a much larger scale. 

This type of deterrent is made to direct runoff away from large structures, including houses, barns, sheds, and even patios. 

While this solution is effective, it comes with a glaring drawback. To implement grade board surfaces, you need to rent expensive equipment or call a professional excavator. 

Sadly, that means grading can cost an arm and a leg. 

Yet, if you’re looking for a permanent fix for water runoff, there may be no better solution. That is especially true if you want to keep crawlspaces and basements from flooding in the future.

3. Reroute the Water

Underground Rainwater Storage Tanks

Another effective method for dealing with water runoff is rerouting. This involves diverting excess moisture into a hole in the ground that acts as a designated drainage point. 

Using downspouts or swales, you can force the water to flow into a hole that remains dry for most of the year. 

Dry wells are particularly useful in areas where downspouts flood into larger paved areas or with runoff as a result of a large roof. They can also be strategically placed in lower areas where puddles frequently form, preventing water buildup and potential damage to your property.

Best of all, you can achieve this with no heavy excavation equipment or a professional service. Digging a proper well on your property and diverting water flow can keep the areas of your home that are in jeopardy well protected.

You can connect a pipe from the downspout to the well, typically made of plastic or concrete, for efficient water diversion. Commercial models like Amazon’s Flo-Well offer a convenient solution, holding 50 gallons and requiring minimal maintenance.

Plus, you can connect and stack several wells together to improve the capacity of your drainage system.

The way that dry wells are constructed means that they are built to last for years on end and require very little maintenance. Even better, they have a massive water-holding capacity and will comply with regulations in just about any municipality.

The only thing to be aware of is that sediments and debris can wash off alongside the runoff. That may end up clogging up the walls and reduce the overall ability of the tank to drain water.

4. Intercept the Water

Having a swale, which is a shallow ditch that has a slight slope on each side, can be a great way to intercept the water before it becomes a problem on your property.

In a similar vein, a French drain will work just as well. It’s a trench filled with gravel and may also have a drainage tube that rests at the bottom of the structure.

One of my favorite products on the market is EZ-Drain, which consists of a perforated pipe and some plastic beads encased in a tub of landscape fabric.

The fabric acts like a sock, surrounding the pipe and preventing dirt from getting into the drain. That keeps the tube from filling up and maintains the air spaces between the beads.

French drains are arguably the best way to intercept the water because they handle excess moisture that moves through the soil, not just over it. So, for keeping water out of a basement, French drains are the ideal option.

Planning Your French Drains

Here are a few factors to consider when installing French drains to ensure they are optimally functioning. The first is to plan out your dig the same as if you were building a berm.

French drains require comprehensive excavation and replacing the dirt with the proper drainage gravel. Digging can be done by hand and it’ll be more affordable than renting excavation equipment. 

Trench Dug for Water Drainage

However, keep in mind that this is very labor intensive, so bring a friend who can help shorten the dig time and lighten the physical load.

If you’d rather skip the hassle of manual labor, there are gas-powered trenching tools that are available for rental. These will save you the trouble of digging by hand.

Yet, the process will take a few hours. So, time is a factor, consider bringing in a professional to do the job. It costs far more, but this requires no work on your part, and you can ensure that water runoff won’t continue damaging your property.

You will also need to figure out what to do with the excavated dirt. Some people store it outside a garage or shed or have a service take it away. If you opt for the latter, you may have to pay additional fees to have the dirt removed.

Moving on, when building a French drain, consider using raised beds or building a few slopes. This will help to further protect the areas that are the most impacted by runoff collection.

Taking extra measures to protect those high-risk areas may seem like more work in the short term, but they will save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

Contacting Local Utility Companies

First up, you have to call your local utility company. The organization will help you by marking off the underground utilities in the area. 

That way, you don’t have to worry about accidentally hitting structures below the soil when digging. Skipping this step can disrupt services in your area and lead to hazards like electric shocks. 

Installing Your French Drain

Once the planning is complete, you can start installing the French drain. Digging the trench is the next step. 

Remember that it’s not a race; if you have the patience to dig the trench by hand, it’s the most cost-effective route. Having a friend or family member help is never a bad idea either.

When the trench has been properly dug out, you have to use landscaping fabric to line the hole. You should size the material, making sure that a foot of fabric extends past the top of the trench walls. 

The brand is up to you, but in my opinion, Dewitt makes a fine landscaping fabric. 

Next, place the fabric throughout the trench and secure the excess landscaping material using fabric pins. This will prevent the edges from falling back into the trench, requiring you to reposition them once again.

French Drain Before Being Covered

As soon as you dig out the trench, you can fill the bottom with a couple of inches (two to three) of gravel. Then, place the drain pipe over the small rocks with the holes of the tube facing downward.

After that, cover the drain pipe with more gravel. You want to have at least two or three inches of rocks covering the top of the trench to ensure the drain tube stays in place.

Next, take the excess fabric and fold it over so that it covers the top of the gravel, creating an effectively protected seal. Then, it’s time to add a layer of soil. 

You should have a healthy pile from digging the trench, but you can cover the area with whatever kind of soil you want. Finally, make sure the ground is as flat as you can get it, and then reseed the area with grass. 

Eventually, the grass will fill in and the trench should disappear into your backyard.

If you’re looking to go with an eco-friendly option, French drains are the way to go. All the components can be made of green materials. Best of all, these eco-friendly options can fit into just about any budget.

Understanding Legal Responsibility

Clogged Gutters With Pine Needles and Leaves

In the event that water runoff from a neighbor’s yard causes damage to your property, there may be the question of who is held accountable for the damage. The unfortunate reality is that the homeowner is responsible for providing proper drainage to the property.

This can depend on several factors, though, such as how the flooding was caused to begin with. If your neighbor made some changes to their property through landscaping and the result was more than usual runoff, the neighbor should be legally responsible for paying for any damages caused by the excessive moisture.

Similarly speaking, if the neighbor has also been negligent, and that action has resulted in property damage, you may be entitled to ask for compensation from them.

Negligence would be broken water hoses, clogged gutters, and broken water pipes that the neighbor intentionally ignored, leading to runoff damage on your property.

It’s always best to talk to the neighbor first if you notice runoff becoming a problem. More often than not, talking to them reasonably should be enough for them to work with you. 

However, when coming to an amicable agreement is off the table, you may have to take legal action.

Landscaping Tips

While digging out a dry well or installing a French drain are great ways to deter water runoff coming from a neighbor, there are some standard landscaping tips you can implement to stop the runoff and improve the overall aesthetic of your yard.

1. Planting

Large Pink Hibiscus Flower

Plants are an excellent way to deal with excess moisture. The leaves will collect the water and drain it down into the soil. 

There, the roots can absorb the excess moisture and keep it away from your property. That’s why many people choose to plant vegetation in the path of water runoff. 

A rain garden can be planted in low areas and used as catch basins. These rain gardens are specifically designed not only to slow down the runoff but to catch it as well. 

This can help solve any flooding issues that plague your home while adding a pleasing aesthetic to the entire property. Make sure to choose a fast-draining soil, though. 

That will allow the water to sink in and properly drain away, getting rid of the excess water runoff and making the garden look lusher and fuller.

Just be sure to use plants that thrive with a lot of water (like these 7 Amazing Plants). What’s even better is that these can filter out any harmful substances from the water, keeping them from polluting the groundwater in the area.

Should you have any trees on your property, they can make for a valuable asset in staving off that heavy water runoff. As with vegetation, the trees will absorb and filter all the water runoff.

The bigger the trees, the better they will do and the longer they will be able to hold up against excess water. Just remember to prune and care for the tree to ensure it’s strong enough to hold up to the excess water that runs into your yard.

2. Leveling

There’s not much you can do if there’s a slant that starts in the neighbor’s yard and ends in yours. However, when the slope continues into your yard, you can try to even it out.

The key here is to ensure the slope is leveled away from your home. Use extra dirt to build an incline that will direct the water away from your property and into a safe drainage spot. 

If you’re not sure how to go about the grading process, call a professional to get an idea of what needs to be done.

3. Installing Water Resistant Surfaces

When water gets under a concrete patio slab, it can cause countless issues that can ultimately damage the block over time. Plus, in some cases, the excess moisture can lead to mold, which can be a health hazard. 

By switching to pavers or bricks, you will have a material that allows for the water to seep in between nooks and crannies. This acts as a natural drainage system and can add a finished look to your backyard to boot. 

Other than that, having a strip of grass or a turf block in the middle of your driveway is an excellent way to slow down additional runoff.

Lastly, make sure to choose a permeable material when thinking about the driveway, patio, or path. These are affordable if you think that concrete or asphalt is too pricey, and you can also opt for crushed shells, gravel, or mulch to be even more cost-effective.

4. Mulching

Loading a Wheelbarrow With Mulch From Truck

Keep in mind that depending on the soil you use, it can act similarly to concrete in terms of water absorption. So, it may be a good idea to consider adding a layer of mulch on top of the growing medium. 

Mulch is great at absorbing and distributing water runoff and it can provide your plants with crucial nutrients to help them grow. 

5. Maintaining Your Backyard

All the methods I covered have their benefits and drawbacks. So, whatever you choose to do about the runoff problem, be sure to check on your landscaping from time to time, particularly during the rainy season.

Even with proper runoff protection, natural conditions such as snow and rain can have a major impact on your landscape over a long period.

If one of the methods above doesn’t work out quite as well as you’d hoped, implement one of the others. The point is that there are several ways to keep runoff from building up and collecting in your yard.

It’s up to you to decide how much time and money goes into keeping that runoff water from collecting on your property.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for a way to stop water runoff from your neighbor’s yard, there are quite a few techniques you can rely on. For starters, building a berm or grading are two excellent options. 

You can also opt for rerouting the water or intercepting the excess moisture using a drain. 

Regardless of the method you choose, it’s crucial that you check on your backyard from time to time. Regular maintenance is the only way to ensure your property stays dry all year round.


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