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How to Winterize Forest River Shamrock & Roo Camper w Photos

How to Winterize Forest River Shamrock & Roo Camper w Photos

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In this post I included photos and a YouTube video in which I decided to create a how to for the 2016 (and a few years surrounding it) Shamrock or Roo by Forest River on how to winterize the hybrid camper.

This hybrid model camper is a 23IKSS Shamrock by Forest River, but others are very similar if not identical in which the only differences are the color scheme.

The Winterization Process for a 2016 Shamrock / Roo Camper

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Remove Anode

Start out with a 1 1/16″ socket and remove the anode so the water heater can drain.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Anode Removed

As the anode is removed you will start seeing water flow out from the hot water heaters tank.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Open Pressure Releif Valve

To speed up the draining process and ensure there is not any water in the water heater with an air lock, open the pressure valve. This is done by lifting the pressure relief valve in which water will gush out much faster.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Remove Water Filter and Dump Water

While the hot water tank is draining it is a good time to empty your water filter. To do this, open the back compartment and find it with in. Simply twist it counterclockwise / left and unscrew it.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Reinstall Empty Water Filter

Dump the water out and simply screw it back into place snugging it up. Further in winterizing your camper you will notice that this will be filled with pink antifreeze protecting it for the winter.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Close Pressure Relief Valve

At this point the water heater tank should be pretty much empty. Close the pressure relief valve.

You can leave the anode out and just let it sit on the bottom throughout winter which will allow moisture to drain freely.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Remove Water Heater Cover

The water heater has been winterized for this part of the camper. It is safe to close the compartment back up.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Open the Bypass Valve

Now it is time to get on to the rest of the camper. Start out by opening the bypass valve. This valve should be parallel to the pex pipes.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Turn off the Cold Water Valve 1

To prevent the hot water tank from filling again turn off the cold water supply feeding the hot water tank. The valve should be perpendicular to the hose.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Turn off the Hot Water Valve

Do the same for the hot water line.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Turn off Fresh Water Tank Valve

One last step prior to moving on to getting some anti-freeze flowing. We must turn one more valve which prevents the fresh water tank from filling with anti-freeze. This is located right by the pump on the left-hand side.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Low Point Drain Locator

Next you will need to find your low point drains. On this particular model there is 2, a hot water and a cold water low point drain.

The location is labeled above your power connection, so you know where to look under the camper for it.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Place Low Point Drain Caps Back On

On the Shamrock’s and Roo’s, you will see a blue (cold) and a red (hot) water line stubbed through the floorboard and capped right above your sewer drain valves. Go inside and open both the hot and cold water on kitchen sink.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Remove Cold Hot Water Low Point Drain Caps 1

This will allow for the pipes to drain. Once complete, unscrew both the hot water and cold water caps on the low point drains.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Place Low Point Drain Caps Back On

Allow the water to drain in which you can put the caps back on the camper and turn the kitchen faucets back off.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Connect Antifreeze Hose to Antifreeze Port

Grab your short 3-4 foot hose and connect it to the anti-freeze intake outlet.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Place Hose in Antifreeze Bottle

The other end goes in the anti freeze in which you’ll want the hose to be at the bottom of the anti freeze container, so it doesn’t suck any air.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Turn Water Pump On

From here, we are good to turn the water pump on inside the camper. This will begin to suck the antifreeze into the lines in which you will notice quite a bit of it getting used up fairly quickly. This is because the water filter will be filling with the antifreeze.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Turn Kitchen Sink Cold Water on Until Pink

Now that everything is pressurized it is time to start pumping anti freeze through the camper’s water lines. In doing this, pay attention to the anti-freeze container making sure you do not run out. You will need to swap this as needed. Don’t let it run empty as the pump can burn itself out.

Once you are sure you have enough anti-freeze, simply turn on the cold water in the kitchen and let it run until you see pink and then turn it back off.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Turn Kitchen Sink Hot Water on Until Pink

Do the same thing for the hot water.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Turn Bathroom Cold Water on Until Pink

Now it is time to move along into the bathroom. Repeat this process, turn the cold on until you see pink and then turn it back off.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Turn Bathroom Hot Water on Until Pink

Same thing for the hot water.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Run Indoor Shower Hot Cold Water Until Pink

Now, move along to the shower. Repeat this process by turning on the cold water until you see pink and then the hot water.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Run Toilet Until Pink

The toilet is up next. Simply flush until you get pink surrounding the bowl.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Turn Outdoor Shower Cold on Until Pink

Once last stop and that is the exterior shower in which you are hopefully getting the hang of it. Turn the cold water on until you see pink.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Turn Outdoor Shower Hot on Until Pink

Now the hot water.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Pull Screen Out of City Water Connection

At this point, everything is set except for the city water connection and the traps. To confirm you are good on the city water connection, simply pull the screen out.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Press City Water Vavle Open Until Pink

Press the valve in so that it sprays water. Do this until you see pink and it is all set.

How to Winterize the Shamrock / Roo Campers Traps

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Dump Antifreeze Down Kitchen Sinks Left Drain Trap

To do this, you are simply dumping 1-2 cups of antifreeze down each drain to ensure the water in the traps does not freeze. Start out on the left side of the kitchen sink.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Dump Antifreeze Down Kitchen Sinks Right Drain Trap

Followed by the right side.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Antifreeze Down Bathroom Sink Drain Trap

Move along to the bathroom sink.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Dump Antifreeze Down Shower Drain Trap

Followed by the shower.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Dump Antifreeze Down Toilet for the Black Tank

Lastly, I also like to add some to the black tank, so I dump some right down the toilet.

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock Roo Campers Pink Water Filter

This concludes winterizing the plumbing system of your Forest Rivers Shamrock / Roo Hybrid camper! You will notice that the water filter is filled with anti-freeze in which you are all set to go until the spring.

I also recommend disconnecting the battery, bringing it inside and putting it on a trickle charger to help prolong its life (in which you do not want to store the battery on the concrete).

Stay warm until the spring and happy camping!

How to Winterize Forest Rivers Shamrock & Roo Campers - 2016 21IKKSS Hybrid Camper
Yield: Forest Rivers Shamrock & Roo Hybrid Campers

How to Winterize Forest River Shamrock & Roo Camper

Active Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes

How to winterize a 2016 Forest River Shamrock & Roo camper. This specific model is the 23IKSS, but most models and years around 2016 are all very similar if not the same. It is that sad time of year again in which the camper must be put up for the winter!


  • 3 Gallons - RV Antifreeze
  • 3-4' Garden Hose


  • 1 1/16" Socket Wrench


  1. Start out by taking the 1 1/16" socket wrench and remove the anode from the water heater. The anode can be stored in the compartment over winter. Open the pressure relief valve by lifting it up in which the water will begin to gush out.
  2. While the water heater is draining, go into the rear compartment of the camper and remove the water filter. To do this simply turn it in a counter clockwise / left direction. Once removed, dump it and reinstall it.
  3. The hot water heater tank should be about emptied in which the pressure relief valve can be put back to normal and the cover can be reinstalled (leave the anode out so no moisture is trapped with in the tank)
  4. Find the hot water heater bypass valve located in the rear compartment of the camper and turn it. Once bypassed, also turn the cold and hot water valves so that the antifreeze can't enter the hot water heaters tank.
  5. There is one more valve that needs to be closed and that is the supply to the fresh water tank. This is located to the left of the water pump.
  6. Turn on the kitchen's hot and cold water faucet so there isn't an air lock in the lines. Locate the low point drain in which it should be under your camper right above your sewer line. Remove both caps, the hot and cold, and let it drain. Once drained, place the caps back on (don't forget to turn the hot and cold water off on the faucet kitchen).
  7. Connect the antifreeze hose to the antifreeze intake on the camper and insert the other end into the antifreeze. Ensure the hose reaches the bottom so it doesn't suck any air. Once complete, go in the camper and turn on the water pump. This will immediately deplete quite a bit of antifreeze due to the water filter being emptied.
  8. Keep an eye on the antifreeze so you don't run out (swap gallons as necessary).
  9. From here proceed to the kitchen sink in which you will want to run the cold water until you see pink coming out. This is followed by the hot water.
  10. Do the same in the bathroom sink and shower.
  11. Press the toilet flush pedal until you see pink swirling around the bowl.
  12. Once last thing to hit is the exterior shower in which you'll want to run both the hot and cold water until you see pink. Once complete, the water pump can be turned off.
  13. Once last cautionary step that needs to be taken is the drain traps. Take about a cup or 2 of antifreeze and dump it down the left side of the kitchen sink, right side of the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, shower drain & toilet to assist the empty black tank from freezing.


Sometimes the pink antifreeze can be hard to get off in the spring, so it is recommended to wipe it clean with paper towels to avoid the cleaning headache.


If you want more backyard tips including recipes, how-tos and more, make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel

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Wednesday 28th of September 2022

Thank you so much for doing this! I just bought a 2015 Flagstaff Shamrock 233S and I don't know what I'm doing! lol. This is very helpful.

Ben Esman

Friday 30th of September 2022

No problem. Glad I could help!


Saturday 21st of August 2021

Very helpful, thank you!

Ben Esman

Saturday 21st of August 2021

No problem. Enjoy the fall camping season that is somehow already almost here!

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