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13 Possible Reasons a Wild Rabbit is Sitting in One Place

13 Possible Reasons a Wild Rabbit is Sitting in One Place

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Wild rabbits are not only adorable to see out in their natural habitat, but they are quite active and observant animals as well. Since they are very small in stature, wild rabbits can make for an attractive target for larger animals.

However, what would you feel like if you finally managed to see a wild rabbit, only to find it sitting still for a long time? 

Why do rabbits do this? Do they sense that we are looking at them and decide to spoil the fun? Or is it just a normal behavior for them?

It is actually normal. There are quite a few reasonable explanations for this seemingly strange behavior. In this article, you’ll learn just that. 

1 – It’s a Safety Mechanism

Wild Rabbit Sitting on Hill

Rabbits are prey animals. They are small and that makes them a perfect target for larger, hungry predators. So, if you see a wild rabbit sitting in the same spot for a long time, it’s just the rabbit assessing its surroundings.

Rabbits often do that “I’m a statue” behavior close to a nearby shelter. That way, if a predator does show up, they can run back to the shelter. You might have already concluded that if a wild rabbit started running the moment it detected you. 

Wild rabbits, simply put, need to be aware of their surroundings at all times. By being unaware for even a few minutes, they could be risking their lives.

2 – They Are on Guard

In a similar vein, wild rabbits will sit in one place for a long time simply because they are on guard from the threat of potential predators in the area. There may be no signs or indications that predators are around, but that doesn’t mean that the rabbits are safe, either.

Predators need a line of sight with the prey before they start the hunt. By sitting still, rabbits make it harder for predators to detect them.

Wild rabbits are thus acutely aware of their surroundings and will sit for long periods to ensure that a predator isn’t going to get the drop on them.

3 – They Have a Nest Nearby

Baby Eastern Cottontail Rabbits in the Nest

Wild rabbits are quite protective when it comes to their young ones. Despite this fact, they don’t spend all that much time near their young or the nest. They will, however, return to the area multiple times a day to feed their young.

When they aren’t feeding the young, though, they will sit just a short distance away from the nest. Rabbits are constantly watching their surroundings to ensure that it is safe for not only them but their nest as well.

See what to do if you accidentally disturb a rabbit nest here.

4 – They’re Sick or Injured

Wild rabbits are constantly on the run. While they can have many successful escapes, some of those can be too close for comfort.

In other words, the rabbit might be injured after the last escape, and it’s just sitting still until it recovers.

Sick rabbits also move a lot less to allow themselves to recover. 

5 – They Are Nesting

Perhaps the wild rabbit hasn’t fully constructed their nest yet. Mother rabbits in particular have the responsibility of building a proper nest to protect and house their young ones.

Most of the time, they will do this just a short distance underground as being underground can offer them some measure of protection from predators as well as the elements.

The nest can take a lot of different forms, but it will almost always have a basin-like shape. This is to provide enough space for both the mother and the babies.

It also provides easy and quick access to the nest should they need to escape a predator in a hurry.

After the nest has been constructed, the mother rabbit will need a little bit of time to properly rest before she gives birth. Wild rabbits will give birth at least four times a year throughout the entirety of their lives.

The mother rabbit may choose to sit near the newly constructed nest while she rests up in preparation for the birth. This is so that she can get back to the nest in short order when it is time to give birth.

6 – They’re Digging

Rabbits are burrowing animals and will often dig new holes or expand the current ones. The digging process involves periods of work and rest. 

If you find a wild rabbit sitting still, you may have caught it while it’s resting between its digging intervals. 

7 – They Are Actually Content

Young Eastern Cottontail Rabbit

What most people do not realize is that wild rabbits actually cannot be domesticated. People have them as pets, sure, but that doesn’t mean that they are meant to be.

Given this fact, it’s safe to assume that rabbits are happiest when they’re in the wild. They have the freedom to move around and secure food and shelter as they see fit. Think of it, would you rather eat whenever you feel like it, or wait until you get food at fixed times every day?

8 – They Are Sunbathing

Who could have thought that rabbits like to enjoy some poolside time under the sun? It’s quite common to see rabbits sitting under the morning sun to help them regulate their body temperature.

This is even more common in winter when that morning sun is essentially a floating heater!

9 – They Could Be Resting

Rabbits have the habit of sleeping in the strangest positions and oftentimes with their eyes either half-closed or completely open. 

One of the more common positions that you may see a wild rabbit in is with their legs tucked underneath them like a duck. This allows them to jumpstart their legs and instantly start sprinting the moment they need to. 

Also, since rabbits can sleep with their eyes open, it can be quite difficult to tell if they are awake or sleeping. You can sometimes notice that the rabbit’s eyelids will be dropping or twitching. 

It’s best not to approach such a rabbit to avoid startling the poor animal. It’s enough that predators are constantly hunting it, don’t scare it too. 

Spooking the rabbit will only put it at a greater risk of running into a predator since it will not be as alert and will be much more panicked.

10 – It Could Be Eating

Brown Rabbit Eating a Branch

The diet of the wild rabbit consists of grass, weeds, clover, flowers, and vegetables. Since they need to be on the lookout for predators at all times, they eat while being completely still to minimize the chances of detection. 

Rabbits also do not stock up on food for long periods (like winter), which is why they have to be out hunting for food most of the time. The theory is that if they need to be in danger to eat, they should at least minimize the danger. 

Predators can strike at any time and wild rabbits need to be constantly aware of what is happening around them to prevent becoming a victim.

11 – They Are Grooming

Desert Cottontail Rabbit Grooming in Front of a Prickly Pear Cactus

If you happen to see a rabbit in the wild with its front legs stretched way out in front of its body, there are two things at work.

The first is that they are on alert (let’s just accept that they’re always on alert). The second is that they are grooming themselves as they do so.

Rabbits will groom themselves periodically and will do so in much the same way that cats do: by licking themselves or using their paws.

12 – They Are Shedding

That’s right. Shedding isn’t exclusive to reptiles and insects! 

On average, a wild rabbit will shed around four times per year and the process is known as molting.

During the molting period, the rabbits will lick their fur with their tongue to groom themselves.

Generally speaking, wild rabbits will groom and shed themselves close to their nest. This ensures that if a predator makes itself known, it can bolt back into the safety of their nest.

If you see a wild rabbit and notice that their head drops from time to time or their body is rocking back and forth, that’s because it is most likely grooming.

13 – It Senses Danger

Have you ever frozen in place for a few seconds after being exposed to a scary stimulant? Have you at least noticed how characters in horror movies do so? This can be the case.

Though rabbits may not immediately run away, they will sit back on their hind legs and point their nose upward because they are smelling for predators that may be in the area.

If you’ve ever seen a rabbit’s nose twitch rapidly from time to time, that is because it is trying to determine if there is any danger in the immediate area.

It won’t immediately leave unless it knows that there is a danger in the area. This is because they may have a food source nearby that they do not want to abandon.


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Sunday 10th of July 2022

Thank you! I learned so much about what is probably going on with the rabbit hanging out outside my cabin’ He/she appears to be solo and sits and stares in the strangest places. There more of them further down the driveway I see everyday but this one is always just sorta sitting here :)


Sunday 19th of May 2024

@Ashlyn, rabbits are creatures of habit. The return to the same spot often, especially if it is comfortable and secure for them.. They could very well be sleeping. It’s hard to tell as they sleep with their eyes open at times.

Patricia A Goldberg

Saturday 10th of July 2021

Thanks I learned a lot from this post. We have rabbits and tortoises who hang in our backyard , the tortoise and the hare. Makes for interesting activities. Tortoise has been laying eggs all over the property, and not sure about the hare. Wonder if they've met, or planning a race.