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Oberon Beer Can Chicken on the Big Green Egg (Kamado Whole Chicken)

Oberon Beer Can Chicken on the Big Green Egg (Kamado Whole Chicken)

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This Oberon Beer Chicken W/ Dizzy Pig Spices on The Big Green Egg is packed full of flavor. Oberon beer is an excellent local favorite that is rapidly growing fame across the US. Its semi fruity flavors will really help keep the inside of the chicken nice and moist along with adding flavor.

This Oberon Beer Chicken is also packed with bold spices from Dizzy Pig which include Shakin’ the Tree, IPA & Bayou-ish seasonings.

The Shakin’ the Tree by Dizzy Pig has a Gourmet Lemon Pepper flavor. As stated by Dizzy Pig, its tangy flavor of citrus is from real lemon zest and the sharp and circuitousness is balanced enough to compliment many meats.

The Bayou-ish seasoning is a blackening seasoning that is an ideal balance of fresh herbs, spices, peppercorns and chilies.

The IPA seasoning is a hop infused seasoning blend. This Dizzy Pig creation is a masterful blend that balances the flavor of hops with citrus and chilies into one seasoning.

Oberon Beer Chicken Ingredients

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How to Setup the Big Green Egg for Oberon Beer Chicken

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Big Green Egg Daisy Wheel Setting to Achieve 350 Degrees

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Big Green Egg Draft Door Setting to Achieve 350 Degrees

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Dial The Big Green Egg into right around 350 degrees.

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Insert plate setter with feet facing upward.

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Add a drip tray to the BGE.

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Insert The Big Green Egg Grate.

How to prepare the Oberon Beer Chicken for the Big Green Egg

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Set a couple paper towels on the cutting board to absorb the remaining juices from the chicken after opening the package.

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Apply about a nickel size drop of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and rub it into the chicken. Moderately sprinkled the chicken with Shakin’ The Tree, IPA and Bayou-ish Seasoning equally across the chicken.

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Flip the chicken and repeat the process.

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This method can also be done with a standard beer can but this roaster accessory gives the chicken a little more balance on The Big Green Egg.

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Pour 6 ounces, half a Oberon Beer, into the roaster.

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Set chicken on the roaster with the feet facing down.

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Continue to add a little bit of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and the three Dizzy Pig seasonings as done above.

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Once all sides are seasoned and the chicken is on it’s feet its time to get it cooking!

Cooking The Oberon Beer Chicken

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The Big Green Egg should be dialed into about 350 degrees. Set the Oberon Chicken on the BGE and insert the Probes.

Put one probe in the thickest part of the breast and the other in the thigh. These are the two areas that will take the longest to cook and you don’t want any rare spots in the chicken.

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To help keep the Oberon Chicken moist simply add some water to the drip tray below the grate. Close the lid and let it cook.

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Once the Oberon Chicken reaches 175 degrees it is done.

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Pull the probes out and set them aside.

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Enjoy the perfectly cooked Oberon Chicken from the Big Green Egg. This is another easy family favorite!


If you want more backyard tips including recipes, how-tos and more, make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel

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Terral Gammill

Friday 9th of April 2021

What is the approximate cooking time?

Ben Esman

Friday 9th of April 2021

Roughly an hour and a half to two hours for a whole chicken. This obviously varies on the size of the bird as well. Just make sure the internal temp is above 165. Good luck and enjoy!