It’s so frustrating when you are mowing your lawn only to have to take a break and clean the mower deck again and again. The grass is obviously going to get stuck under the mower deck and getting it out is going to be a big problem.
When you buy a new lawnmower, things seem pretty easy. You can easily use it for a few weeks without having to worry about grass sticking under the mower deck.
But, after a few weeks, you will realize that the grass clippings will easily slip under the mower. This is going to reduce the efficiency and will also prove to be a hassle whenever you want to clean the whole thing.
This is going to significantly reduce the efficiency of your lawnmower, and more importantly, it will be a lot of hassle every time you have to clean the machine.
However, there are some remedies that you can use to get rid of the problem. Obviously, some of the older remedies that were used before were actually harmful to the lawn, so that’s not something that you would want.
Always remember to remove the spark plug of your lawnmower whenever you decide to work on it, as this could prevent a serious problem or an accidental start-up.
Here are some of the most effective methods that you can use to keep grass from sticking to the mower deck.
Why Does Grass Stick to the Mower Deck?
The mower deck needs to be absolutely spotless and clean for the machine to function efficiently. In many cases, modern lawnmowers are treated with a substance that prevents the grass clippings from sticking to it.
Grass sticking to the underside of the lawnmower doesn’t just seem really unsightly and bad, but it also has a dire impact on the functionality and performance of the machine. The grass clippings are going to build up over time.
They will also block the exit ports and the airflow in and around the blades is going to be significantly restricted. The clippings also have high amounts of moisture, and when they are stuck to the metal deck, it greatly increases the amount of corrosion and rust on the surface.
If you do not clean the clippings on a regular basis and dry the mower deck consistently, you will have a hard time as the mower deck will rust quite quickly.
Manual scraping by using a conventional paint scraper or even an ice scraper is simply not going to cut it. This is a common habit among most people, but you should know that it doesn’t have any impact.
Blades Will Impact the Amount of Sticking
If you recently changed the blades in your lawnmower and have noticed a surprising difference in the number of clippings underneath your lawnmower, it’s probably because of the new blades. You should know that the blades you install on your lawnmower are going to have a major impact.
For starters, mulching blades, commonly known as the three-in-one blade variant, tend to restrict the amount of airflow beneath the lawnmower deck. This allows more clippings to drop instead of shooting straight out of the discharge port.
Ultimately, this reduces the number of clippings that get stuck because a majority of them are just kept under the deck. On the other hand, you might want to consider the high-lift blades as well.
These are the two-in-one variant, and they really improve the amount of discharge from the lawnmower, so they also prevent the clippings from sticking to the surface.
Spray the Underside
It might be a wise idea to make use of a spray lubricant to prevent the grass from sticking to the surface. There are various types of sprays that you can use, such as the WD-40.
WD-40 is one of the most popular lubricants in use nowadays, and by spraying it thoroughly on the mower deck, you will be able to prevent the amount of clippings that get stuck underneath.
Keep in mind that WD-40 is not a permanent solution; you will have to regularly apply the spray before you start off with the mowing so that the clippings do not get stuck.
There are also several kinds of nonstick cooking sprays that you can use. If you take a trip to your local hardware store, it might be a wise idea to check if they have specific sprays designed for use on mower decks.
Spraying the lubricant is going to keep the mower deck very slick and the clippings are going to fall off. It’s a pretty simple method but one that you will have to repeat again and again.
Use a Wire Brush
Another excellent method that you can use is a wire brush after every mowing session. Remember, grass tends to cling pretty tightly to the mower, and many clippings are going to be stuck on top of one another.
So, if you can prevent the first few clippings from getting stuck, you won’t have to worry about a major build-up over the passage of time.
Making use of a wire brush is a great idea. The wire brush can be used to thoroughly clean the mower once you are done using it. It can easily get rid of dried out clumps of grass without any issue.
Remember, it’s not a wise idea to wait a day or two after you are done with the cleaning as the moisture from the grass will damage the blades over time.
Instead, you should clean the whole thing with a wire brush as soon as you are done with the mowing session. It’s going to remain thoroughly clean as a result and you don’t have to worry about rust either.
Use Vegetable Oil Instead of Motor Oil
You might have heard people talking about using old motor oil on the mower deck to keep the grass blades from sticking to the mower deck. However, that might not be such a wise idea.
Even though oil effectively serves as a barrier between the sharp surface of the blades and the grass itself, you should know that the lawn is going to suffer. Whenever you make use of motor oil on the lawn, the oil will drip on the lawn surface.
Before you know it, patches are going to appear and the grass will begin to die. If you don’t want that to happen, the best thing to do would be to make use of vegetable oil.
Vegetable oil has exactly the same properties as engine oil, but it contains natural ingredients so it isn’t going to damage the grass.
This is a lesser known secret but one that can easily change the way you make use of your lawnmower.
Maintaining the Motor
Perhaps the best way to prevent long-term mower problems is to maintain it as regularly as you can. First, you should consider switching to high-lift blades or others as mentioned above. Then, here is a comprehensive guide for maintaining your lawnmower.
First off, you need to remove the spark plug. When you turn the blade of the lawnmower by hand, there is a risk that the engine could start up, and this could cause serious injuries.
Instead, it’s best to remove the spark plug first or the wire attached to it before you get started. Then, you need to start by scraping off the caked grass that is stuck to the sides.
Using gardening gloves is a wise idea in this regard as they can easily help you remove large clumps of grass without hurting your hands.
If there is grass that is too tightly stuck and not easy to remove, you might want to wet the surface of the deck carefully.
If you have an air hose, you should also consider using that to blow off all the grass. For ideal results, using an air hose with a nozzle is the best idea, and will help you completely get rid of the problem.
Then, you need to check the air filter as well. The air intake filter is designed to prevent debris from entering into the engine, and the filter will need to be cleaned.
First off, you need to thoroughly clean it using an air hose. Get rid of all the dirt from the filter, and then place it in a tub with dish soap added in.
Make sure that you do not let it dry out completely. It might be a good idea to check the manual so that you know whether the air filter can be placed in a tub full of water and washed properly.
When you are done, you can use a pressure washer to get rid of any remnants of grass on the mower deck. However, you should know that water can cause rust and corrosion.
To prevent that from happening, the best thing to do is to apply a protective coating on the mower deck afterward. This will keep your mower in clean condition.
Ben has a bachelor’s degree in construction engineering. When not constructing or remodeling X-Ray Rooms, Cardiovascular Labs, and Pharmacies, you can find him at home with wife and two daughters. Outside of family, He loves grilling and barbequing on his Big Green Egg and Blackstone Griddle, as well as working on projects around the house.
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