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Where Do Deer Go During the Day? (Why You Never See Them)

Where Do Deer Go During the Day? (Why You Never See Them)

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You might have seen deer prancing around on the road as you drive at night, catching their eyes in your car’s headlights. But spotting these animals during the day is much more difficult than at night.

They’ll spend most of the day resting and hiding from predators, including you, Mr. human. It’s also challenging to accurately track their location as they frequently move from one hiding area to another.

Still, you can learn where to find these animals at any time if you know more about their behavior. You’re about to do so here! 

In this post, I’ll walk you through all you need to know about deer behavior and their daily activity. 

Where Do Deer Go During the Day? (Why You Never See Them)

5 Must-Know Facts about Deer Activity During the Day

Before we start, you should know that it’s impossible for someone to accurately predict the activity of deer 100% all year round. 

These animals’ activity can change considerably depending on multiple factors. This includes food availability, weather, and even the surrounding environment.

However, in this section, I’ll highlight the general activity patterns they usually follow so that you can be more able to anticipate where to find them.

Let’s take a look:

1. Are Most Active During the Twilight Periods

You’re most likely to detect deer around dawn and dusk as these animals are most active a few hours from sunrise and before sunset. 

Many hunters also reported that deer activity and feeding hours significantly increase during the full moon. They also claim that deer become more active when the moon moves toward the other side of the surface. 

That said, there is no scientific proof so far to confirm the claims of the impact of moon phases on deer activity.

2. Hide During the Daytime

Deer typically spend around half the day sleeping and hiding in their bedding. This period usually lasts from noon until a few hours before dusk. 

They’ll hide in thick bushes and cover themselves well during that time. Female deer will also help their newborns hide properly and tuck in beside them in a protective stance.

That is one of the main reasons why you don’t see deer frolicking about much during the day. 

Further, you can’t stumble upon a grassy bed of deer hiding because of their sharp senses. By the time you arrive, the deer will have gone.

A few hours before dusk, these animals will leave their bedding and resume their daily activity, mostly searching for food. They’ll explore the nearest food source to the bedding area to secure their daily nutrients. 

Still, they leave a distinct impression in the bush, and when the deer go, hunters can find out where they last rested.

3. Slow Down Their Activities During the Winter 

Deer are incredibly adaptive to their surroundings and can easily survive the cold without much of a problem. 

However, conclusive research confirms that deer activity slows significantly during winter. 

In fact, their movement decreases by more than one-third during the snowy weather and the rough winters. Nonetheless, you’ll find them most active around twilight, much like in all other seasons.

During the winter, deer tend to leave their homes atop mountains and move into the bottom valleys, as there’s less snow in those regions. Valleys also contain a variety of conifers that are suitable hiding spots for deer.

Taking a look at their behavior in fall, I can tell it’s the time in which deer prepare their bodies for the winter. 

They tend to overeat during this season and ultimately develop a layer of fat that helps them stave off the cold. 

They lose this fat layer by the end of the season as winter causes deer’s body weight to fall considerably.

4. Intensify Their Movement During the Fall Rut

Deer in Garden

As you can easily expect, deer activity intensifies during the fall rut. So, you can easily see these animals rambling around more often.

Bucks also tend to be less cautious during this period, so you can spot them in open areas, unlike usual. In some cases, deer even move throughout the day and night during the fall rut.

As a hunter, this might be the best time for you to trace these animals. However, you should know that the rut period varies considerably from one area to another, depending on the region’s topography.

So, if you are serious about tracking these majestic animals, you’ll need to learn more about when the rut starts in your area. 

5. Like to Take Excursions

Research has shown that deer like excursions and go on temporary short trips outside their homes from one time to another. 

Almost all age classes of deer take excursions, which usually happens year-round. These short trips have been documented across various regions and in several landscapes.

However, deer are pretty careful and mostly take these excursions on well-managed properties. They look for properties with a higher habitat.

But, as mentioned above, there’s a spike in their movements as well as the number of short trips during the rut season.

That being said, there’s absolutely no way to predict how far or where the buck will go During an excursion. 

Their recorded movements vary hugely depending on the availability of resources and the terrain around them. 

When Do Deer Sleep?

One thing that’s different with deer is their irregular sleep schedule. Whereas most animals prefer to sleep during the night, deer aren’t that consistent.

Ultimately, this helps them take advantage of the night and move quietly. 

These animals sleep for around 12 non-consecutive hours a day. They sleep in short bouts of approximately 30 minutes, followed by a few minutes of alertness. They can also take short naps while resting during the day.

Deer sleep with their eyes continually monitoring their surroundings and watching for predators.

Do Deer Travel the Same Path Every Day?

Deer may have consistent movement patterns for some time, but they won’t always take the same path every day. 

They’ll change their path based on many factors, including food sources, hunting pressure, bedding location, and the season.

This makes it quite hard to predict their movement pattern for some days in a row.

Where Do Deer Go When It Rains?

Deer behavior in the rain varies depending on its intensity and other weather conditions.

In flooding rains, storms, and strong winds, these animals will likely hide their bodies under dense woods to stay as dry and safe as possible. 

They might also hide in thick crop fields such as corn and soybeans. That said, deer will likely engage in their normal daily activities and venture out searching for food during extended periods of steady light rain.

In fact, rainy weather masks deer scent and movement from predators, making their navigation a little safer.

Still, it also weakens their strong sense of smell. This makes them less capable of detecting predators if any approaches them.

Where Do Deer Sleep in the Winter? 

During the winter, deer tend to sleep in direct sunlight to stay as warm as possible. As such, they usually bed down on south-facing slopes in cold months as these areas receive more sunlight.

However, on snowy days, they usually sleep in areas that can protect them from the fallen snow. That’s why one of their favorite shelters is coniferous trees such as pines. 

Not only do these trees protect deer from the snow, but they also hide these animals from predators.

Deer tend to move more during winter nights than during the day. They like to travel straight toward the wind, which helps them use their sense of smell more effectively to detect predators in the area. 

Do Deer Bed Down in the Same Place Every Night?

Deer might bed down in the same bedding area for a few consecutive days, but this isn’t always the case. 

These animals will change the bedding area frequently depending on the availability of food, water, cover, and wind direction.

That said, deer will always bed in a location that provides them with the most protection from predators and quick access to food. They‘ll choose an area where it is easy to observe the surroundings. 

In addition, these animals will likely sleep facing downwind so that they can detect their predators using their strong sense of smell. 

How Far Does Deer Travel from the Bedding Area? 

Generally, deer don’t travel so far from the bedding area; they only move as far as it takes to find food. 

That being said, the distance deer travel from their bedding area differs based on their species, the season, and the habitat.

Here are some reports from hunters on this matter: White-tailed deer usually travel within only half a mile of their bedding area. But things become a little different in agricultural settings as they may travel over a mile.

On the other hand, mule deer often travel more than one mile from their bedding area. 

That said, the travel distances can usually change during the rut as bucks may go extremely long distances searching for females.

Where Do Deer Go on a Windy Day?

Contrary to common beliefs, a study from Penn State University shows that deer move more on windy days. 

The decisive reason behind this behavior is unknown so far. However, it’s speculated that wind muffing these animals’ sounds makes it hard for predators to track and detect them. 

Deer also have a remarkable ability to scent-check for other deer or predators utilizing the wind. 

Deer are more likely to use sheltered routes to navigate safely during wind. This can include creek bottoms and hollows between ridges. 

Some deer may shelter on windy days in wooded areas or other terrain that can block the wind.

That said, many hunters reported that deer prefer to stay in thicker areas and avoid open ones during high winds. 

Other factors, such as temperature and barometric pressure, can significantly impact these animals’ movement during the wind. 

Is Stalking Deer Wise?

Let’s make it clear: stalking deer isn’t easy at all. In most cases, you might not see a single deer even after spending countless hours transfixed in one spot.

That’s why you need to understand that patience is of the utmost importance when stalking deer. Remember that if these animals catch even a whiff of you, they’ll bolt off into the sunset. 

Deer have a considerably heightened sense of smell, hearing, and sight. They can identify when someone is following them and can easily smell humans and hear their voices from afar.

So, if you are close to the deer habitat and aren’t using any kind of scent to cover yourself up, you are doing it wrong.

If the deer identifies you near their habitat, they aren’t going to come out at all, and you’ll wait there forever. 

Even if you manage to get close to deer, you’ll still have a challenging time hunting them.

Here’s why: one of the traits that has evolved in deer over time is how to respond to hunting pressure. They’re incredibly responsive and clever escapers when someone tries to hunt them. 

That doesn’t mean it’s impossible, but it requires a considerable amount of expertise on your part. So, if you’re a beginner hunter, be ready for an unexpected adventure. 

Final Thoughts

By now, you know why it’s not easy to spot deer during the daytime and where you can find them. You can use this information on your next adventure to the wildlife. 

As long as you are careful, you won’t have much of a problem finding out their movements! If you want to track deer movements just to watch them in the wild, congratulations, you’re ready to go.

However, if you want to track deer movement to hunt them, you need to make sure you use a method that is as painless as possible. 

You’ll also need to check wildlife protection laws in your state to ensure you’re not violating any of them. 

Hopefully, this post provided you with all the information you were looking for. Happy wildlife adventure!


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Wednesday 24th of February 2021

Hey l have been getting about 8 deer every day coming to my house, morning around 6am and they come back around 6 pm and my wife feeds them all. I spend about $500 a month and l need to know what is good for them. I have been giving them fruit, grapes potatoes apples lettuce and bananas. I just started giving them deer food from the feed store and that is $20 a bag. One of them a doe broke her back leg in the snow. She is in a lot of pain and I have been giving her a aspirin, l put it in a little piece of apple. Is that ok or not? Thanks 🙏


Thursday 24th of February 2022

@Pat, Too bad no one answered your question on this forum. Im just a fellow reader as well but read your comment and makes me wonder how your herd of deer are doing and even the hurt one. Hope all is ok.